Rails + Mysql OSX

Today when running rails application using agains MySQL Database, got the following error : The strange thing is mysql already installed on my machine : Seems rails cannot locate libmysqlclient.18.dylib which is located in /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib because by default rails locate that file in /usr/lib folder. Simple solution for this problem is creating symlink from /usr/local/mysql/lib to … Continue reading Rails + Mysql OSX

Installing Linuxbrew on Ubuntu

Linuxbrew is fork form famous package manager homebrew for mac os. You can read about how to install Homebrew on OSX machine here. Below will be explained how to install linuxbrew on Ubuntu Box. The Steps Are : At least Linuxbrew need Ruby 1.8.6 and gcc 4.2 Install all dependencies using following simple command : Then … Continue reading Installing Linuxbrew on Ubuntu

Install stuff what apple didn’t provide [HomeBrew]

Just like other unix based machine, apple provide repository called app store for installing various tools and  software. But not like any other unix machine which provide package manager that makes user easy to install unix tools, such as yum apt-get or aptitude, apple didn't, and  let user resolve all dependency problem when installing from source. Fortunately, … Continue reading Install stuff what apple didn’t provide [HomeBrew]

Scheduler FTP Upload for multiple files

Upload multiple files is pretty easy when invoked manually, using command line or ftp client. but a little bit tricky when we need to upload multiple file, scheduled, let say every 10 minutes. Below, i'll explain short step to make such mechanism using ftp client and cron , using unix machine. Assumed, user ftp already … Continue reading Scheduler FTP Upload for multiple files